When Good Ideas Multiply

For weeks I've been trying to come up with a 365 day creative project as well as contemplating my annual New Year's resolution. I made the deadline and had them both decided on when, yep day one, I'm already being over ambitious.

My resolution is to spend a minimum of fifteen minutes outside EVERY day. Besides when gardening, I spend surprisingly little time out of doors that doesn't involve going too and from my car running errands or dropping my little one off at school. So I just want to spend time being outside. I figure my dogs and I could use the fresh air, even when its snowing or windy and there's no sun to soak up. Plus I'm hoping that actions speak louder than words and my son will frequently join us.

Anyway this last week I tested the waters to see if it was likely I'd do the outside thing. Each time I brought my iPhone with me to time the event (you'd be surprised how long 15 minutes can be in the frigid cold) and decided it was doable. So there I was messing about taking photos with the Hipstamatic app while fulfilling those 15 minutes of time when in a moment of clarity I realized I could do this everyday. I love taking photos and there's no self imposed pressure to come up with a masterpiece... hello its taking photos with a crappy lens on my phone using an app that intentionally distorts, discolors and otherwise mars the images! It's so bloody fantastic. So just like that another project is born - interestingly before the first one has even taken off. Good times.

So welcome to HipstaFifteen the side project to my bug a day endevour. The pressure is off, so no doubt it'll be the success. ;)

Happy snapping.


Sunday, February 5, 2012


This was a good week of photo taking for me, lots to respond and react too. It was bloody great to have a fantastic snowstorm this weekend. The grey sky and stark white landscape was beautiful while it lasted. It shall all be a figment of our imagination by tomorrow with our returning Colorado sunshine.  Starting week six off on a techno beat with a trip to the B-note in my home town. DJ T.S. Heritage spins DJ Lance -- most definately good times. Unfortunately all the photos are inside so they won't make it to the blog, but I think I captured the afternoon quite well. Thanks for the invite! And btw, I know day twenty nine has two posts. I truly think both represented the day, so it's my blog, my rules and every once in a while I can break them.

Here's week five's floor (week 5 days; days 29-35)-

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