When Good Ideas Multiply

For weeks I've been trying to come up with a 365 day creative project as well as contemplating my annual New Year's resolution. I made the deadline and had them both decided on when, yep day one, I'm already being over ambitious.

My resolution is to spend a minimum of fifteen minutes outside EVERY day. Besides when gardening, I spend surprisingly little time out of doors that doesn't involve going too and from my car running errands or dropping my little one off at school. So I just want to spend time being outside. I figure my dogs and I could use the fresh air, even when its snowing or windy and there's no sun to soak up. Plus I'm hoping that actions speak louder than words and my son will frequently join us.

Anyway this last week I tested the waters to see if it was likely I'd do the outside thing. Each time I brought my iPhone with me to time the event (you'd be surprised how long 15 minutes can be in the frigid cold) and decided it was doable. So there I was messing about taking photos with the Hipstamatic app while fulfilling those 15 minutes of time when in a moment of clarity I realized I could do this everyday. I love taking photos and there's no self imposed pressure to come up with a masterpiece... hello its taking photos with a crappy lens on my phone using an app that intentionally distorts, discolors and otherwise mars the images! It's so bloody fantastic. So just like that another project is born - interestingly before the first one has even taken off. Good times.

So welcome to HipstaFifteen the side project to my bug a day endevour. The pressure is off, so no doubt it'll be the success. ;)

Happy snapping.


Sunday, January 15, 2012

Adventures in Hipsta-snapping

Taking snapshots is so fantastically fun with Hipstamatic but its not without its frustrations and fussiness. In week two I worked through understanding which lens produce which affect to get the most out of my fifteen minutes. This is certainly a help as there are other issues to contend with. One being the inability to frequently see what I'm shooting . Especially this time of year with sun and snow, the glare is exceptionally bright and seeing through the viewfinder on my screen is next to impossible.  I've got an idea what the image should look like but often I'm crossing my fingers and leaving it up to the fates.

Then there is the random stopping to 'rewind the film' as it takes time for images to develop. I happen to like this nod to analog camera operation, but it does hinder the shots at times and eats into my picture taking time.

But what gets me swearing is when I do the equivilent of popping open the back of a film camera and pop out of the app to carry on using my smart phone for the bazillion other functions it provides. In that moment of switching apps I lose the undeveloped work I've thus far captured. Yep you'd think I hit my thumb with a hammer.

So no I don't have to fuss about with metering or bracketing, or leading a pack mule to carry around camera equipment thankfully. But Hipstamatic snapping is a form of photography afterall and in fine tradition comes with its own unique set of frustrations.

This weeks cutting room floor (week 2; days 8-14) -

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