When Good Ideas Multiply

For weeks I've been trying to come up with a 365 day creative project as well as contemplating my annual New Year's resolution. I made the deadline and had them both decided on when, yep day one, I'm already being over ambitious.

My resolution is to spend a minimum of fifteen minutes outside EVERY day. Besides when gardening, I spend surprisingly little time out of doors that doesn't involve going too and from my car running errands or dropping my little one off at school. So I just want to spend time being outside. I figure my dogs and I could use the fresh air, even when its snowing or windy and there's no sun to soak up. Plus I'm hoping that actions speak louder than words and my son will frequently join us.

Anyway this last week I tested the waters to see if it was likely I'd do the outside thing. Each time I brought my iPhone with me to time the event (you'd be surprised how long 15 minutes can be in the frigid cold) and decided it was doable. So there I was messing about taking photos with the Hipstamatic app while fulfilling those 15 minutes of time when in a moment of clarity I realized I could do this everyday. I love taking photos and there's no self imposed pressure to come up with a masterpiece... hello its taking photos with a crappy lens on my phone using an app that intentionally distorts, discolors and otherwise mars the images! It's so bloody fantastic. So just like that another project is born - interestingly before the first one has even taken off. Good times.

So welcome to HipstaFifteen the side project to my bug a day endevour. The pressure is off, so no doubt it'll be the success. ;)

Happy snapping.


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

So this is the verdict... I am going to return to blogging but I'm gonna tinker with the title and mission. I'm thinking of calling it Cricket Squared - less constraints for a bit so that I can post during these times that a specific project is difficult to pursue. I'm such a square, I can't help but follow the rules so if I'm to be successful I need to change them up. Wish me luck.

I'm a wanna be angel

Rather than continue on with this blog and modify the past to suit the future, I've created a new blog called I'm a wanna be angel. Should you be interested it can be found at imawannabeangel.blogspot.com. Hipstamatic photos will be found there as well as other items of  my doing.


Saturday, June 23, 2012

Dog Days of Summer

Its already been a busy summer with my young bounty hunter being on summer break and us doing all the fun summery things his active imagination can think to be done. Our vegetable garden has taken off like wild fire (but threatens to wilt in all this heat). Mother's and father's have been celebrated and several of us in the family are a year older. We're about to embark on a fun vacation to the ocean and fantasy lands to remain unnamed. Today we speak with a contractor about starting various projects (which I of course have attempted to design in part or in full) to improve our home. I desperately needed a summer wardrobe, so have invested not only money but time in creating one which fits my lifestyle, body shape and persona. (Think polished with an artsy twist). An eating plan and exercise has been worked into my daily routine. I'm woefully behind on my garden design project which needs to be completed by September, but it has gotten some time and attention too. The same can not be said of finishing off my last botanical illustration to get my certificate this fall. If all that has not been enough to occupy my mind and resources, I'm also doing a bit of career soul searching, pinpointing skill sets, interests and the like. This all got me thinking about blogging and my defunct 365 day project and how I miss it. Both the weekly blogging and the daily requirement.

I believe I will give starting this up again some serious consideration over vacation and see what comes of it. I may resurrect my photography project or do a daily silly drawing. All I know is despite all the creative demands on my time and energy, I still have an itch to do this. I do hope my few followers who have scattered might return.

I took some hipsta pictures on father's day which I shall post.

Hopefully the Tour-de-Fance and the Olympics this summer will motivate me in this and not side-track me from it.


Sunday, March 18, 2012

Day seventy eight - Forsythia

Having some issues with Hipstamatic today. I think it has something to do with the fact that I keep running out of space. Anyway because I couldn't get the app to work today, I used another one called Scratch cam. Its really cool.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Day fifty seven - Cracked

Mother nature that green-eyed slut

I had an eventful week eight. I spent considerable time combating a stomach ailment which caused me to drop the ball on my bug-a-day project but I lucked out on this one. I happened to spend my fifteen minutes outside at daybreak before my body started mimicking the destructive winds that unsettled our night. I came out of hibernation Thursday evening to greet yet another blanketing of snow and capture that days image. I'm feeling better now but still subsisting on a diet of toast and milkshakes. So much for eating paleo.

That awfulness was bookended by a weekend class I was taking in printmaking. It was great to get out and about in other areas of the city. It made for some fun photos. I'm still balancing the desire to get out there, diversify and capture more interesting stuff with just getting out and being quick about it. Thus far I think I've been successful.

I'm noticing a pattern that proves to trust your instincts. More often than not what I've discovered is that my best photo for the day is the first one. Maybe not the first subject. But once I hone in on something that I take several snapshots of, I find that I choose the initial photo to post. Interesing I think.

I had an apiphany as well. I'm seriously considering that I could take up photography as a profession (after some schooling of course). I'm really warming to the idea. I hope I'm not deluding myself thinking I have 'the eye' for photomaking. Now if only I could find that pile of money I misplaced.

Cutting room floor (Week eight, days 50-56)

 The sidewalk furniture just beat this one out. I seem to like capturing things behind glass.

 I like how the angle of the fence pulls you into the image of the horse as well as all the horizontal and vertical lines.

 The spots of red move your eye around this photo. Its livlier than your brain wants you to think.

 The curving sweep is good but I couldn't get past the center of the aloe being like a bullseye.

 I really liked this one but couldn't resist the first blubs of the season.

 Needed a bluer sky, also the horizon bisects the photo.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Anticipating the loveliness

Funny how beautiful newly fallen snow only lasts for a few magical moments then it turns into something very undesirable. Unfortunately the freeze, thaw, snow-a-bit-more cycle we've experienced is leaving a landscape of crunchy, pock marked, filthy-ness that is starting to annoy me. I can't get away from it and it isn't very inspiring. Not getting much love from mother-nature. I plug on anyway anticipating the loveliness we'll see in the coming weeks.

I am posting my cutting room floor a bit early this week as I have a weekend drawing class that I must devote more attention too.  Here are the photos that didn't make the cut this (or last) week.

...photos to come. (Week 6 days 36-42) (Week 7 days 42-49)


Day forty eight - Meter meter on the wall who's consuming most of all?

Its fantastic that the flash caught the cog and turned it into a jewel.